Ometepe Island Information

Map Location


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The primary contact person is: Steve
Business Type: Family Owned
The website for this business is:
The email address for this business is:
Basic directions to this business:

00:00 — 00:00
Hours of Operation
Sunday08:00 — 17:00
Monday08:00 — 17:00
Tuesday08:00 — 17:00
Wednesday08:00 — 17:00
Thursday08:00 — 17:00
Friday08:00 — 16:00
WiFi Available: NO
Languages Spoken Here:
Anticipated Price Range For Here Is:

A brief description of this company:
An online directory of all the businesses on Ometepe Island. Free for everyone to use and promote commerce.
This location is best known for:
Information about Ometepe Island.
The Primary Business Of This Location Is:
Tourist Information
Other Services Offered:
An internet based directory available to all the businesses on the island to advertise their business or activity. Also free to tourists to allow them direct access to all the services and activities we have on Ometepe Island!
The Expected Cost For This Service Is:

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